
Client: Hamad Medical

Project Type: 400 Bed HOSPITAL  Service Type: Design Build  Location: AL WAKRA, Doha Qatar.

System Type: Steam Boilers / Domestic Hot Water System.  Manufactured by: HURST Boiler, USA

➢ Three High Pressure STEAM BOILERS / 18,000.00 KG/HR design build,  supply, construction, testing and commissioning, Training, handing over.

➢ Subcontracted, Managing, designing, constructing, operating, testing and  commissioning

➢ High pressure Boilers / 3 pass fire tubes., 2 Tube Heat exchangers,2 plate heat exchangers Spirax Sacro, blow down vessel, steam reducing  stations, steam header and distribution, steam flow meters, steam traps.

➢ Over 4 KM of piping supply and return condensate. Expansion tanks,  Deaerator Tank, GRUNDFOS high pressure water supply pumps. high tech  components and equipment’s

➢ Serving Laundry rooms. Kitchen, CSSD. Sterilization Center Department,

Auto Clave Medical Waste Treatment, Domestic Hot water.

➢ Installation and site supervision of 100 skill trades, trouble shoot technical  problems, or system malfunction and errors.

➢ Conduct system inspections, sequences of operation and assembly prior to the  final approval, Coordinate and resolve any issue with the consultant, safety  officer, and the client.

➢ Prepare and conduct all training materials, and provide the necessary training  for the end user staff. Prepare and review shop drawings and AS BUILT.

Client: Qatar Petroleum

Project Type:  Qatar Petroleum District  Service Type: Design Build

Location: West Bay, Doha Qatar.

System Type: Steam Boilers, Domestic Hot Water System.

➢ Steam System & Boilers Design and Built, Qatar Petroleum District

➢ Three High Pressure Boilers / 5000 KG / HR /steam, design built,  structure and design modification.

➢ Managing, designing, constructing, saturated steam system.

➢ Fire tubes, blow down vessel, steam reducing stations, steam header

and distribution, steam flow meters, steam traps, Expansion tanks,  Deaerator Tank, GRUNDFOS high pressure water supply pumps.

➢ Control Panels, high tech components and equipment.

➢ Installation and site supervision of 100 skill trades, trouble shoot and  resolve any technical problem, or system malfunction and errors.

➢ Conduct system inspections, sequences of operation and assembly prior  to the final approval,

➢ Coordinate and resolve any issue with the consultant, safety officer, and

the client. Prepare and conduct all the training materials, and provide the  necessary training for the end user staff.

➢ Steam Required Services, Laundry Room, 4 / 1000 liters indirect Hot

water Storage Tanks, built in coil tube exchanger.

➢ Prepare and review shop drawings and AS BUILT for final approval.

Client: Msheireb Properties

Project Type: Resort & Spa

Service Type: Design & Engineering  Location: Doha Qatar.

System Type: Steam Boilers

➢ Steam Boiler, High pressure, Laundry Room Services.

➢ Engineering Design, complete documents submittal,

➢ Saturated steam system, high pressure Boilers, blow down vessel, steam  reducing stations, steam header and distribution, steam flow meters,  steam traps, Expansion tanks, Deaerator Tank,

➢ Inspections, sequences of operation and assembly prior to the final  approval,

➢ Coordinate and resolve all design issues with the consultant,


Project Type: STUDENT HOUSING  Service Type: Design Build

Location: Education City, Doha Qatar.  System Type: SOLAR Water Heating.  Manufactured by: AMK SOLAC Switzerland

➢ 22 Solar Water Heating Systems in12 buildings Evacuated Tubes.

➢ Subcontracted, Managing, designing, constructing, operating, testing and  commissioned.

➢ 2 solar water heating systems per building, preparing all the technical and

documents submittal, including equipment’s and materials selection,  installation, and site Project Management (50 skill trades, 10 Engineers /  Supervisors)

➢ Conduct system inspections, sequences of operation and assembly prior to  the final approval.

ØPLC programing & Control including all the Electrical connections, and  Circuit Panel.

➢ Coordinate and resolve any issue with the consultant, safety officer, client.

➢ Prepare and conduct all the training materials, and provide the necessary  training for the end user staff. Prepare and review shop drawings and AS  BUILT.



Service Type: Design Build

Location: Education City, Doha Qatar.



➢ Manage, design, construct, operate, test and commissioned 6 Wind Turbines

➢ Vertical Rotation type, capacity 10 KW each, almost 0 DBA.

➢ 25 meters High, slip sections tower, and one vertical axis with generator  attached to 3 verticals aerodynamics blades.

➢ Design & engineering and installation of the system. electronics which will  include 3 protection boxes, 3 inverters, and 3 diversion load per each turbine,  and other electrical components

Client: Hamad Intranational Airport

Project Type: Airport

Service Type: Engineering & Design  Location: Doha Qatar

System Type: Aircraft Hanger Smoke Curtains

Client: Muscat International Airport

Project Type: Airport

Service Type: Engineering & Design  Location: Muscat Oman

System Type: Air Displacement Units

Client: North Terminal Airport

Project Type: Airport

Service Type: Engineering & Design  Location: DETROIT USA

Project Type: Food Court, 12 Restaurants

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We believe what makes us different from other engineering firm is our ability to deliver a tailored, value engineered and personal service to each client.

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